Friday, October 10, 2008

It was dark when I got dressed this morning

Okay so yesterday I was reading Niki Tippets blog and she talked about how she put Clark's pants on backward. The today Heather Gagon was over my house and she saw Anne and asked if her pants were on backward. Of course they were and she went to school that way. My only saving grace is that I didn't dress her. However, I'm not really observant and I didn't even notice. Anne still looks like a million bucks.


The White Family said...

Too funny! Maybe that's the new fashion trend. Annie and Clark are just trend setters!

Parrott Family said...

Only Annie could get away with something like for the whole day and noone notice. She reminds me so much of Macie. Macie just "forgets" to put on her underwear... so she says. She thinks they are uncomfortable.